For the last hundred years Hill-Tribe paper makers have been playing their craft in the mountains.
They still using natural dyes and lay their paper in the sun to dry, as did their ancestors centuries ago.
The followings are step -by- step preparation for the making of Saa paper
1) Saa trees of about one to two years old with dimension of about 3-5 cm., are chosen.
2) The tree is cut about 30-50 cm above the ground so that the stem
can continue to grow.
3) Peel the outer bark and dry in the sum or 2-3 days
4) Soak the dry peeled bark in the water for 24 hours
5) Boil in hot water for 4-5 hours add wooden ash to
raise the alkalinity
6) Wash in water many time until clean
7) Pound the washed pulp with wooden hammer or pounding machine
8) Chop and boil Okra in hot water then squeeze out the liquid and sieve.
9) Dissolve the pounded pulp in to water
10) Add Okra sap into the solution in order to disperse the pulp and
smooth the texture of paper
11) Skim the pulp by using screen.
You can decorate with fresh or dry flower or other dry weed.
12) Dry in the sun
13) Peel the dried paper out from the screen